Ere Ibeji Twin Figures, Yoruba people, Nigeria.
The Yorubas have the highest recorded rate of twin births in the world, an estimated 45 sets of twins for every 1000 births. Yoruba families greet the birth of twins with great celebration as they are believed to bring good fortune. Ere Ibeji figures are memorials to deceased twins. When one twin dies in infancy, a single sculpture is commissioned and cared for by the mother and surviving twin. Two sculptures are made if both infants die. The figures are washed, dressed and fed in honour of the deceased.
Different hair styles, shapes and carving styles indicate the origin of the figure and can identify the artist that made them. Ibeji from the Oyo region are bathed in indigo to symbolise the calming of the inner being.
Condition: Excellent vintage condition, minimal wood loss.

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